Multi-View Guided Multi-View Stereo
🎉 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2020) 🎉
Matteo Poggi* · Andrea Conti* · Stefano Mattoccia *joint authorship

RGB image

Dilated sparse depth hints

Prediction without hints

Prediction with hints
This paper introduces a novel deep framework for dense 3D reconstruction from multiple image frames, leveraging a sparse set of depth measurements gathered jointly with image acquisition as showed in the image below.


Given a deep multi-view stereo network, our framework uses such sparse depth hints to guide the neural network by modulating the plane-sweep cost volume built during the forward step. Such modulation happens following
$$ \mathcal{V}’_s(z_s) = \left[ 1 - v_s + v_s \cdot k \cdot \left( 1 - e^-\frac{z_s - z_s^*}{2c^2} \right) \right] $$
with $v_s$ and $z_s^*$ being respectively the binary mask $v$ and the depth hints map $z^*$ downsampled to resolution $s$ with nearest-neighbor interpolation. For further details we refer to the main paper.
Qualitative Results


w/o Hints

with Hints

Ground Truth
title={Multi-View Guided Multi-View Stereo},
author={Poggi, Matteo and Conti, Andrea and Mattoccia, Stefano},
booktitle={IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems},